Outside the front of every London Metropolitan University building on Wednesday the 18th of Febuary there will be a demonstration to show support against proposed funding cuts. Join in with Students and Staff from 12:00 - 14:00!
The demonstration aims to build support as the future of LMU comes under question. HEFCE (The Higher Education Funding Council) has decided to reclaim grants they have now decided LMU wasn't entitled to which spells out a huge financial crisis for everyone involved.
The error in funding, which has been ongoing since 2005, appears to be 'an honest error' from our very own Vice Chancellor.
In order to reclaim the money which was wrongly given, HEFCE has decided to firstly cut the teaching grant by a minimum of £15 million per annum, starting this year, and secondly to demand repayment of approxiamately £38 million!
The LMU Vice Chancellor, Brian Roper, has decided that to raise this money he has no choice but to make huge staff reductions, those of which are set to result in the loss of at least 330 jobs by July of this year.
Roper comments that "LMU's prime consideration is to ensure a continued ability to deliver a high quality education to all current and future students", he then goes on to say that he intends '"all current students will be able to finish their courses/studies with the University".
Whether these promises will materialise to anything is still unclear however, when taken into consideration that Roper has tripled his own salary since 2005 to a total of £300k, it seems that the students best interests aren't as close to his heart as his own income.
For related stories and other news, visit www.socialistparty.org.uk
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